Tech Corner: iRobot’s New Roomba, Braava is Affordable and Mops!

Technology has been used to make many amazing products that we take advantage of daily. Cleaning is no exception to these innovations. Is dusting, sweeping, and mopping your floors apart of your weekly, almost daily routine? If so, then the Braava is a device you are going to want to get! Not only is it affordable but it will make these task easy on you!

The Braava is by iRobot is the Roomba’s first robotic mopping machine. The Braava uses a vibrating head and jet spray to sweep and scrub hard floors. This device is suitable for all types and sizes of homes that have tiled, linoleum, and hardwood floors. The bot includes three different pads for the bottom of the device that are easy to put on. One pad is for sweeping (similar to a swiffer pad), one for light mopping, and one for deep cleaning. The size of the Braava have been described as smaller than a shoebox, making it’s sizeable doable to put away until the sink in your kitchen.

Just like every other Roomba on the market, it uses a gyroscope and sensor to map the room. This allows it to become familiar with your room and move around accordingly. It learns where your furniture is, can adjust speed, allowing itself to avoid ramming into a wall or furniture leg.

The difference between the Braava and the Roomba is that the Braava does not have as many sensors. This also means that there is no mobile connectivity, which means it cannot be controlled by an app on your phone. This is due to the fact, stated by the company, that you cannot pack too many circuits and sensors into something that will be filled with water. Another difference is that the Braava is square shaped compared to the traditional circle-shape the Roomba’s are. However, the best difference is that the Braava only cost $199! That is an affordable price!

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