Top Ten Reasons to Have a Pet at Home

There are approximately 1.1 million pets in New York City, estimating about one pet for every three households. If you are one of the few New York City residents that do not have a pet, here are the top ten reasons why you should adopt a cat or dog of your own! Not only are they adorable and cuddly, but having a pet at home is proven to improve your health!

  1. Companionship: You will always have someone to come home to when you have a pet. They pretty much just want to relax, hang out, eat, and play, making them the perfect companions.
  2. Routine: You must create a routine to care for a pet, which will bring structure and purpose to your daily life. They also make the perfect alarm clock, nudging you awake to feed them breakfast. Now you never have to worry about oversleeping.
  3. Exercise: It can be quite easy to skip your daily physical exercise. Having a dog will reassure that you make walking part of your everyday schedule!
  4. Less Stress: If you are more of a cat person, they have health benefits of their own. Research shows that the sound frequency of a cat’s purr have healing benefits! It can calm anxiety, melt away stress, lowers blood pressure, and even lowers the risk of a heart attack by 40%. (Take a look at the image above)
  5. Keeping you busy: Besides the feeding routine and walks, a pet will keep you on the move. Adding vet visits and grooming appointments, they will keep your busy. 
  6. Meeting new people: There are many social events and shared activities that can prompt you to meet new people based on your pet: communal walks, charitable events, and organized gatherings.
  7. New Interest: Based on the new activities your pet brings along, you may discover a new hobby. Whether it is walking, knitting new sweaters for you pet, or volunteering, it is just another way your pet has brought you something more to your day.
  8. Protection: A dog can provide security to your home, scaring off intruders. Unwanted visitors are usually avoid homes with barking dogs.
  9. Love: The whole “their your best friend” is not just a cliche. Your pet needs you and you will learn how you have grown to need your pet.
  10. Investing in a life: Having a pet means you continue to hold the promise in caring for another life. Doing so in one of the most positive commitments you can make as you grow older, buying a house, and have a family.

If you are interested in adopting a pet, get information from some of our neighborhood organization: Louie’s Legacy Animal Rescue or Fur Friends in Need!

What are some of your benefits of having a pet? Share your thoughts by joining our conversation on Facebook and Twitter! Attach a picture of your family dog or cat!

Check out our Pinterest Top Ten Board for more pictures and how-to links.