Top Ten Things Staten Island Homeowners Will Understand

Owning a home is a marvelous thing! However, homeownership is followed by a tremendous amount of responsibilities. There are rewards to owning your own house and you will start to discover new things that get you excited.

  1. You begin to like housework. We all remember those days when we dreaded doing chores. That changed once you own a home. You will find yourself taking pride and care for this home your purchased!
  2. You want to know your neighbors. They will likely be your neighbors for years to come. Forget about the awkward introductions and get to know your neighbors! Who knows; you may make a lifetime friend!
  3. You find yourself caring about your floors. You catch yourself in a slight panic when people walk around your house with their shoes on or get nervous when there are drinks in rooms you preferred they remain out of!
  4. You understand the struggle of dealing with mold. All kinds of problems can pop up in your home, including mold. You know this is not something you can just leave for another day because it can lead to health issues. Deal with it fast and contact experts if needed!
  5. You never really have spending money. You will have extra money to spend on fun things, but you realize a large portion of your money goes to mortgage payments, insurance, and taxes.
  6. You have become handy. Being that you probably no longer have a landlord to fix things when they break, you have quickly adjusted to repairing things on your own.
  7. You find that most of your purchases to be for your home. Whether it is furniture, appliances, decorations, or even food, all these purchases are for your home.
  8. There are days you hate your home. After living in your house for a while, you begin to grow bored of it. That is when redecorating and renovations take a great toll, allowing you to fall in love with your home all over again!
  9. You have become obsessed with backyards. You find yourself on Pinterest, buying home and garden magazines, and even peeking into the neighbor’s backyards during walks with your dog just to find ways to improve your own backyard. All of a sudden, you are an active gardener and adore new ways to add lights to your patio!
  10. It was your “work-in-progress”. Even when homes are listed as being “move-in ready”, they may not be ready for your particular taste. Once you move in, it will take time to become your complete dream home. That is why you must remember that it is your work-in-progress, and the final result will be worth it!

What are things you notice you do differently know that you are a homeowner? We always love to learn more and hear from you!! Share your thoughts by joining our conversation on Facebook and Twitter! Let’s discuss!

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