Top Ten Tips for Non-Morning People

Mornings are like Mondays; most people do not like them. Waking up is hard to do when you are not a morning person. Luckily for you, we have ten tips that will get you moving in the morning and hopefully begin to enjoy the sunrise hours.

  1. Get ready the night before. Instead of leaving these things for the morning, do them the night before: shower, get your lunch together, have your bag ready, and pick out your clothes.
  2. Have a bedtime! It is important that you get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Avoid surfing the Internet, watching TV, or eating a big meal before bed. You need to give your body and mind enough time to shut down before trying to fall asleep.
  3. Make it harder to hit the snooze button. Place your alarm clock, or phone, across the room from your bed. This way you will have to get out of bed in order to shut off the loud beeping noise.
  4. Set you coffee machine. Set the time on that magical machine that brews your morning delight to a few minutes before you have to wake up. Nothing gets someone out of bed quicker than the smell of coffee.
  5. First thing to do when you wake up. Drink a glass of cold water. It will speed up your metabolism and rehydrate you after a long night of no liquids.
  6. Make your bed. When you make your bed as soon as you wake up, it will make it less inviting to want to climb back into bed. Your brain will just be tricked into starting the day.
  7. Morning work out (or stretch). We are not saying to go on a full mile run or intense cardio work out. You can save those for your normal gym time. In the morning, have just a little routine to get your blood bumping and body moving.
  8. Get ready while listening to music. Make a playlist or turn on the radio and listen to something energetic. This will put you in an upbeat mood! Do your work out, wash up, and get ready to the tune of your morning theme songs.
  9. Always eat breakfast. Whether you eat at home, on the go, or when you get to the office, just be sure to eat breakfast! This will allow your body to have fuel to burn until lunch.
  10. Let in the light! If your windows’ shades are open, and you are allowing in the natural sunlight, you will feel more alert to start the day than to waste it in bed.

Do you have any helpful morning routine tips for non-morning people? Share your thoughts by joining our conversation on Facebook and Twitter! Let’s discuss!

Check out our Pinterest Top Ten Board for more pictures and how-to links.

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